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In this page you will find all the information about coral reefs and how they can save the world with your help

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Of the submarine ecosystem


Million of dollar


Of coral reef disappeared.

Find out some datas about the benefits of coral reefs

Coral Reef

Coral reef is an underwater ecosystem made by reef-building corals

They provide to mantain the world's ecosystem

Coral reefs mantain an active role in the world's ecosystem. They host thousands of marine species

They are like plants...
and like animals

Coral reefs are similar to jellyfish, but they have to be planted in the seabed

Coral reef protection

Protecting coral reefs mean that we protect the houses of the submarine species

Join us on our mission to sustainably
restore coral reefs worldwide.

Coral reefs are facing global threats and can't recover from theese impacts.
Our goal is to support research for the repopulation of coral reefs.

Check out our interactive Map

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